On the copy protection screen type "SARA" for the first attempt. (if you have a newer copy, type "SUZANNE"). Next enter the right code from the manual. Use the '+' and '*' to alter the quanity of the arms and cargo.

-- 12 ---------- 00-FF --- Create a new galaxy
-- 13 ---------- 00-FF --- Create a new galaxy
-- 18 ---------- FF ------ Loads of credits
-- 1F ---------- 46 ------ 7 light years fuel
-- 20 ---------- 01 ------ Escape capsule
-- 23 ---------- 02 ------ Large cargo bay
-- 24 ---------- 01 ------ E-C-M- system
-- 26 ---------- 01 ------ Pulse laser
-- 28 ---------- 01 ------ Galactic hyperdrive
-- 2C ---------- 01 ------ Escape pod
-- 2F ---------- 01 ------ Energy bomb
-- 31 ---------- 01 ------ ECM jammer
-- 32 ---------- 01 ------ Docking computer
-- 34 ---------- 03 ------ Galactic hyperdrive
-- 36 ---------- 01 ------ Mining laser
-- 38 ---------- 01 ------ Military laser
-- 3F ---------- 01 ------ Cloaking ('Y'=on/off)
-- 40 ---------- 01 ------ Loads of food
-- 47 ---------- 01 ------ Loads of textiles
-- 49 ---------- 01 ------ Loads of radioactives
-- 4C ---------- 01 ------ Loads of slaves
-- 50 ---------- 01 ------ Loads of wine
-- 54 ---------- 01 ------ Loads of narcotics
-- 5C ---------- 01 ------ Loads of computers
-- 63 ---------- 01 ------ Loads of machinery
-- 67 ---------- 01 ------ Loads of alloys
-- 69 ---------- 01 ------ Loads of firearms
-- 6C ---------- 01 ------ Loads of furs
-- 72 ---------- 01 ------ Loads of minerals
-- 75 ---------- 01 ------ Loads of gold
-- 79 ---------- 01 ------ Loads of platinum
-- 83 ---------- 01 ------ Loads of gem stones
-- 84 ---------- 01 ------ Loads of alien items
-- 88 ---------- 01 ------ Refugees from Super Nova
-- 8C ---------- 01 ------ Important thargoid doc
-- 97 ---------- 01 ------ Clean legal status
-- 97 ---------- 00-08 --- Harmless - Elite ranking
-- 3C ---------- 01 ------ E.C.M. system jammer
('L' toggles jammer on and off)